October 22, 2008

Treating Malaria in Cambodia

It is a simple but very sucessful public communication campaign designed by the Cambodian Ministry of Health. The advertising is very appealing to the publics, particularly to rural people because the whole scene is exactly the same as a real situation in a remote area. It is also a practical snapshot of Cambodian rural community where many people struggled with malaria.

Since the advertising has been launched in 2002, the Ministry of Health has reported a dramatic drop in death toll involved with malaria. The rural Cambodian citizens misunderstood that the decease was caused by their misconducts toward ancestors and natural spirits.

Fortunately, this advertising makes them aware that the desease can be cured easily and effectively if they take medicines as recommended by the doctors. This is really a great discovery and change, which have saved many lives.

1 comment:

Julie Harvey said...

I understand the appeal of this ad. It is simple with little to no room for misunderstanding. However, I'm curious to know if the medicine they are promoting was created by the government, or if a pharmiceutical company lobbied government to push this brand as the only option. In the United States, an obvious plug for a certain medical brand would scream PR!!! Is this true in Cambodia also?